Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014
Through a Cultural Lens: My Home
I need to choose 5 photographs to take next week Wednesday .......Decided to print 10 and then I will decide......
Table decor from Lorraine

Wednesday, October 01, 2014
Walking The Walk – That’s Impressive!
I love the the thoughts shared and expressed in this article.
As I continue on my path to healthy lifestyle, I embrace the fact that I am not only making physical changes but emotional, relational, spiritual improvements as well. Though I will never be perfect, I will always strive to walk my talk.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Missing Robert Peterson
I am thankful to God to allowing Robert to be part of my life. The story of above is just one of many ways he was a blessing.
Blog for Peace by Mimi Lenox
Mimi Lenox Peace Blogger
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Savouring the Moments
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Decisions ,challenges and Progress
I think I have now completed all the paper the for registering to study my Masters in Education.
A great opportunity has presented itself to do a free 12 week photography course. Now the challenge is that I cannot do everything something somewhere has to be given up or reduced.
Listening to an audio book entitled NO MATTER WHAT has helped in making this decision.
Want to say that I am looking for to this school year but it still feels so strange to be starting school in September/October instead of January/February. Its like I now have two starts to the year :).
I am on track for losing 6.35kg/14lb/1 stone by Christmas.
Before: September 2013
At Present: Sptember 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Weightloss Journey Update
My challenge came the night before weigh-in ..... Dominoes Craving.... part of it was tiredness and emotions....I didn't manage the two bite and throw away principle but I did have 2 slices instead of 4 and only 2 pieces of garlic bread instead of 4.
This past week I lost 0.5 pounds (0.23kg).......its weight in's like this when I am really happy it is in pounds and not kilograms. Increased my exercise and water in take.......
Looking forward to weiging even less next week :)
On Days 15-20 of 100 Days of Weightloss
Thursday, September 04, 2014
Days 11-15 of 100 Days of Weightloss Journey
Monday, September 01, 2014
Sunday, August 31, 2014
How can you help?
Tomorrow is my Slimming World meeting. Its great to get support from the consultant and other members but its really at home and at the church potlucks for where i need support.
Day 9 of 100days of Weigtloss
In the quiz below, pick out the answers that fit best for you. If the answers don’t exactly
work for you, come up with some different ones that match your needs.
I have put my answers in bold and italics.........
1. If you see me eating something that’s not on my diet plan
___ Ask me, “Should you be eating that?”
___ Ignore it entirely
___ Ask me if I’ve had a bad day
___ Give me a hug
In fact my friend Lorraine did this few weeks ago I was half way through eating a second piece of Baileys Cheesecake after trying really hard to ignore it and she took it out of hand. Thank you Love I needed that.
2. When I’m making progress, such as losing weight
___ Compliment me on how I look
___ Praise me in front of others
___ Never comment on my progress in front of others
___ Give me non-food gifts or rewards
3. When I’m struggling or gaining weight
___ Tell me you notice and really care about my struggle
___ Ignore it entirely
___ Hug me and show me extra affection
___ Ask me how you can help
4. When I’m making progress you can’t see (such as improving my self-esteem)
___ Ask me how my efforts are going
___ Compliment me on how I look
___ Ignore my efforts and my changes
___ Give me non-food gifts or rewards
5. When I’ve maintained my weight (even though I may still want to lose more)
___ Tell me you are proud of my current efforts
___ Ignore the subject entirely
___ Ask me if I’m struggling or feeling discouraged
___ Compliment me on my looks and my efforts
• Complete this quiz, and then read your answers out loud to one of your support people such as your spouse or a good friend.
• Post your answers on your refrigerator or in some other location where your support people can be reminded of what you want.
• Write the most important answers below. Add any other answers or requeststhat fit your needs. Be sure to read these to your support people as well.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Day 8 of 100 Days of Weightloss
Its funny how difficult it is for me to know and verbalise what my own needs are sometimes. I didn't know where to start with Day 8's challenge so I decided to google and I fowung the following Blog entry very helpful in triggering my own thoughts
To read the rest of the blog.........
Day 8: "Help Me Please"

Thursday, June 25, 2009
"Decide what you want - To get support instead of criticism from the people you love, you may have to train them. Instead of begging, "Please help me lose weight" or "Be nicer to me", clarify exactly what you mean by those words, and then be more specific in your requests.
"Please don't say ---. Be sure you also let people know the things you don't want them to do or say."
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Days 5,6 and 7 of 100 days of Weightloss Challenge
Some interesting concepts shared in the book that I definitely will be using. I think with Slimming world I have already being exploring the idea of following a Narrower or Wider road. I am still on the road to weightloss even though I have intially chose the wider road and now I ready to make my boundaries narrower by switching from the Easy Plan to Green Plan. ALong the way I amanged to get my family motivated to join me and they becoming great encouragers.
Keen to see if the magic note idea will help me with my food temptations/cravings:
When a food thought crosses your mind, remind yourself that you don’t have to act on it. Instead,
write down the name or even a description of the food, and then anticipate the pleasure
of eating it sometime in the future.
Anytime you feel pressured to eat something, sidestep the food pusher by saying, “Not just yet; I’m going to wait a little while.”
I think the most important lesson I have learned over the last few days is not just to be interested in my weightloss but to be committed as Lisa Nichols says NO MATTER WHAT .......
Day 7
i can do it
I can do it
I Can Do It
Monday, August 25, 2014
Day 4 of 100 Days of Weighloss
This reminded of the time I did lists of 100........I don't like to think that what I right done is necessarily the most important....but here I go:
1. To be healthy
2. Not get diabetes 2
3. Buy clothes in any store I like (not forced to buy online...)
4. Be able to wear the style of clothes i enjoy not florals !
5. Be able to go on walks with my family
6. Lesson the pain in my ankles and feet
7. Not have to ask for an extra belt on the airplane
8. Do walking tours without too much hassel/heavy breathing/pain
9. Sleep better
10. Look great
11. Get into scuba type suit for snorkling and the like
12. Be a good example to my daughter
13. live longer
14. Finally be able to say that years ago I had a list of ten things I wanted to do and now I have done all 10! (instead of 9 out of 10)
15. Have more energy
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Day 3 of 100 days of weightloss
Identify the task you don't feel like doing and do it anyway.....
Today that was eating a healthy home cooked meal instead of eating out......I looked at what vouchers that could make eating out cheap, considered the bad decision s I already made in the past week with eating on the road .......
I don't know what the scale is going to tell me tomorrow but today I ate healthy and I decided not to just be interested in health but to be committed :)
Friday, August 22, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Day 1 of 100 Weightloss Challenge
This is hugh because I have not let the usual things that throw me off keep of this path. For the last 15 years I have started the journey weighloss and by Christimas I find myself a slight bit heavier but this year is going to be different.
Its the start of the school school and the countdown to Christmas. It is also almost a year beafore I visit home-South Africa and turn 40! For all these reasons and more I have decided to add another tool my arsenal for change. A book fromt the Overdrive NI Libraries: 100 Days of Weighloss
Actions I will complete:
10 Reasons why I want to reach and Maintain my goal weight
Day 1: I used to be that way ..............
"I used to be that way, but now i'm different"
Monday, July 21, 2014
Slimming World......Sedway Reward
Thinking of switching over to the Green plan........
The amazing thing for me is that I have through illness and an ankle injury and managed to stay on track........three weeks i gained weight and 2 weeks I maintained as a result a steady loss......that is WIN for me on a mental level.........
The joke is that I have had to admit to myself that my trousers were larger than size 24 and the oes that were 24 and fit were stretchy and made differently so the next goal is to get to Size 22 and then buy a new outfit but in the mean time I am planning my Sedgeway reward and celebrating the loss I have achieved.
Photos to follow soon.......
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Interesting article for leaders
Friday, July 11, 2014
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Together in Pieces
Changing landscapes, changing mindsets.
Tuesday, June 03, 2014
Monday, June 02, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Calvary the movie with subtitles
Arghhhhh have you ever chosen to go to movie and darn I didn't read the description properly or felt you wanted to walk out but because you were with others you didn't.........
If you into black comedy then I am sure you could enjoy the movie......
I did love the nature scenery....... The dialogue and characters felt a bit predictable.........
If I want to be philosophical about it there were one or two interesting thoughts that came to mind.........comparing a fallible priest to Jesus , forgiveness and acceptance.,.,......
I take solace in the fact that I supported the Action for Hearing loss campaign to movies more movies subtitled
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Mutterings # 1
- Warning :: danger, red, caution
- Resume :: here we go again
- Meeting :: of two minds
- Squares :: caramel
- Alternate :: rock
- Prison :: Break
- Swamp :: Florida
- Games :: galore
- Months :: of the year
- Share :: alike
Walking the Gransha Woodland
Its a dog walkers haven. There were also lots of runners using it as part of the training route.......
Its amazing how full of life it was ans yet so peacful at the same time. The trees and bushes were teaming with bird and insect life.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
I also have the promise and the potential to make some new connections in the community in which I now live.
The one thing that keeps me going is to have a plan then to work it, adapt it and move it forward. But I am also learning that just being still in the moment with no plan is possible. I thought that I was getting stuck in that moment....maybe getting lost.......but the connection I had on Skype, on the telephone, int he community walk, at work, at eh slimming club have alll been little stings pulling up and helping me forward.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Sunday Matters

Plan to have a long chat with my mom, a good brunch with my family and then go on a Community walk with the Prehen Historical society.......
Some where in the midst of this i must get washing, ironing, online grocery shopping and a bit cleaning done...........
Camera ready, blog post done...... let the day continue :)
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Sunday, May 04, 2014
Inner Excavation
I look a the cover photo of this blog and realise that I have not changed it for about 6 and half years!!!! Does that mean I have been in a cacoon state for that long?? I don't really want to analyse that for too deeply...,.that might just make me stumble in my journey..,
The e-book is Inner Excavation by Liz Lamreax..,..taken out of NI library using Overdrive Media.
Also listening to a book Called The Depression Diet Book by Theresa Cheung
Attending Slimming World Club
Considering doing a podcast project (been in pregnant state for a few months now)
Got my camera and new walking shoes
Now all I need is community...................