Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Put my foot into it

WW # 30 below

I have done it again. Caused a storm without meaning too. Have you ever done something that you thought was a great idea and then others turn on you and really get mad. I seem to do this at least once a year - then I find myself apologising and feeling really embarrassed.

Part of the problem is that I sometimes don't an idea through properly - I spontaneously implement it eg. Invite someone to an outing/party...........

Then I wonder if I should really contain myself, others seem to get a way with being rude etc..... Why can't I get away with being "nice" or kind.

I have always felt that we should celebrate differences.

So despite being wrapped over the knuckles I hope that my subconscious will continue to forget the hurt I feel and that I will continue being spontaneous and fun-loving. Of course I want to still be sensitive to the needs of others.


Momgen said...

Heheheh Happy WW..

Rebecca said...

Without knowing the details its hard to comment, except to say you should never appologize for being you. Unless you don't like you, then you should change you. ;-)