Monday, April 28, 2008
Freedom Day
I am proud that I was old enough to be part of that.
Its a significant day. I only hope that we will not go into to the opposite direction and forget about the minorities in our country. We over threw political oppression of the majority people in our country - but the fight on a social, economic and even a spiritual level is not over. We can all vote but that is not the only thing we need to be free.
I pray that we do not lose sight of the ideals that we fought for and that we continue to question ourselves and our government and we continue to work towards creating a better country.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
100 Things I have Accomplished
1. Learning to read and write
2. Completing primary school education close to the top of my grade
3. Completing High School education 3rd in my grade.
4. A symbols for Mathematics and Biology.
5. Made up some songs for the cheerleading squad.
6. Wrote my own poetry and was published in the University poetry book.
7. Carried the torch in
8. Got my drivers license.
9. Got PDF license – drove a 15 seater combi with passengers.
10. Got an international drivers license and drove safely on the opposite side of the road.
11. Completed my BA degree Education and History majors.
12. Completed my professional qualification for teaching.
13. AuPaired in the
14. Teaching Mathematics certificate
15. Compu Typing certificate
16. Computer Application technology certificate
17. Career Guidance Education certificate.
18. Breathe Free certificate.
19. Helped people to stop smoking
20. Public speaking in various places
21. Performance poetry in the
22. Sang in the choir in primary school for the mayor of
23. Was a litter monitor in primary school.
24. Represented the school in DYIC
25. I became the Vice chairperson for DYIC
26. Involved in organizing and running youth participation in contributing to
27. Part of the training team that went to do Youth training inland Kwa Zulu Natal
28. Part of the mission team to
29. Completed a number of 5km Fun Run/Walks
30. Completed a 5km walk in 49min.
31. Completed a 1km open swim race.
32. Helped organize a 48 Indoor Cricket tournament to fundraise money for Charity.
PR and administration of charity event for Reach for A Dream i.e. Organise Action cricket teams, sponsors, media coverage, typing and faxing of minutes, setting up meetings, banking, invoicing, collecting prizes and
cheques, progress reports and project evaluation
33. Learned American Sign Language.
34. Volunteers in Public Service (US)1997-1998
35. Top Chess female player in my school.
36. Toured with Mayville youth group – I played the role of Judas in the play.
37. I received total in my drama class for the Judas monologue.
38. Got married in 1999.
39. I am still married.
40. Had one daughter (emergency Caesar)
41. Breastfed her for 11months despite having inverted nipples.
42. Doing Missionary work in
43. Helping setting up and running a Technology Lab at Mangosuthu Technikonvia PROTEC – Programmes for Technology training ( I was 19 years old).
44. The same year I also gave a fundraising presentation to important people in Big business.
45. First Aid certificate twice.
46. Helped several people to stop smoking through talks I gave in various churches in our community.
47. I helped some learners to stop smoking by running a Breathe Free program.
48. Learned to Belly Dance.
49. Learned and performed Liturgical Dance.
50. Won a talent contest playing the recorder.
51. Won a group talent contest for modeling.
52. Been part of a drum circle.
53. As a child I recited all 13 memory verses learned in the space of 13 weeks in front the church.
54. Preached in various churches.
55. Led the AIDs awareness campaign in 1992 which led to our school winning the first trophee for the best campaign and most signatures of the community (my mother was not very happy with the bags of condoms given to us – I had to keep it until school opened again.)
56. I was elected to the position of deputy head prefect in our school.
57. PRO of the prefect body
58. DUX award
59. Teenagers Against Drug Abuse (TADA)
Vice-Chairperson in 1991
60. Chairperson 1992
61. PRO 1993
Church positions
62. Youth Leader 1999
63 Adventurer Director (Ages 0-9) 2000
64. Family Life Director 2000, 2001
65. Children’s Ministries Director for Conference 2001
66. Beginners Teacher 2003- 2008
67. Pre-Adventurer Co-ordinator 2006
68. Environmental Club
Vice-Chairperson of Organisation 1990
69. Chairperson 1991
70. SCA - School Christian Association
Member, Media committee 1991-1993
Member (
Got a sponsorship for one their projects
72. Nature Guide at
73. Modelled Miladies Clothes for Woman’s event 2001
73. Assisting with organising sports events 1995, 1996
74. Tutoring Maths, English, Physics and History 1995-1997 and 2007
75. Facilitator at Bergville Winter School 1993
76. Basic Science Certificate 2005 Physiology
77. Took a group of drama students to
78. Successful set a number of blogs.
79. Have my own website.
80. Forgiving my Father
81. Facilitating a school magazine at two of the schools that I have worked in.
82. Ran a Career Expo at
83. Climbing up Lion’s Head.
84. Abseiling
85. canoeing and swimming
86. Roller-skating and Ice Skating
87. Riding Bike (still not very good with hills – going up or going down) prefer riding on the beach front where it is flat.
88. Rode a camel once – Really scary when it gets up and its time to get off.
89. Worked as an Educational officer for 4 months for WESSA- Wildlife and Environment society of
Plan, Organise and Run leadership and Environmental Education camps, document impacts of Outcomes Based Education in practical field work. Training of educators in Outcomes Based Education and Environmental Education.
90. Head of Department of Extra Mural Activities at
91. Made a DVD for mom for her birthday – it was quite a project and real trial and error. Scanned in photos and put it to music.
92. Did a 3 day hiking trail – in
93. My daughter stayed with my sister for those 3 days which was another accomplishment for her and for me. She was 2 ½ years old.
94. Knitting socks.
95. Trying out new crafts in 2006/7 including ATC’s , card making, bead making, scrapbooking and Digital scrapbooking. Then actually swapping my crafts.
96. Completing 9 100 lists.
97. Maintaining a perfect 5 score after 67 swaps.
98. Making the top 7 a side Girls soccer team that played in the boys tournament (also played soccer for the school team)
99. Choosing life – even when I have felt down and felt like giving up.
100. Recently passed the IETLS exam to get a visa to go work in
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Ingrid Jonker Memorial at Gordon's Bay
At the base of the monumnet are the words of her poem which was read by Nelson Mandela, Die kind : wat doodgeskiet is deur soldate by Nyanga) (The child : who was shot dead by soldiers at Nyanga)), in Afrikaans, during his address at the opening of the first democratic parliament on May 24, 1994.
Read the poem in Afrikaans and English: Click here
Monday, April 21, 2008
Direction. This word conjures up memories of getting lost. Being too scared to ask for directions and then getting to the point of desperation that I finally build up the courage to ask and then I can't find anybody to ask or if I do they still cannot help. In the end I go on pure instinct and faith and eventually find my destination.
This happened to me when I was walking and when I was driving. In South Africa and in USA.

The next thing that comes to mind is decision making.Which way do you go? Left or Right?

You Are 35% Left Brained, 65% Right Brained |
![]() The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
Wish I could buy a walking dvd - there seems to a lot on the market - none that I can get here in South Africa. That unfortunately pushes the price up. I also know from experience that all exercise DVD's are enjoyable.
So I have been sampling on You Tube.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Unconscious Mutterings
"Rules are, there are no rules." There are no right or wrong answers. Don't limit yourself to one word responses; just say everything that pops into your head. AND you don't have to have your words up on Sunday.
I say ... and you think ... ?
1. Questioning : curious, irritating, unbeliever
2. Immunity :safe
3. Online dating :unsafe,desperate,a possibility, exciting
4. Calcium :milk, bones, health
5. Dressing :up, going out
6. Bucket :of rain
7. Stain :pain, rain, main
8. Advanced :technology
9. Dramatic :effect
10. Self-medication :FOOD, overdose, self-healing
Friday, April 18, 2008
Competitions and Giveaways
Here is my my entry:
Please vote for me. Thank you.
You go here to vote:Photo Contest Theme - Spring Time!
Now for the Giveaway/Competition

Please no the following:
1. This contest is only open to U.S. addresses. My humble apologizes to my International friends, but these prizes are bulky and heavy and would cost too much to ship outside the United States - I’m so sorry.
Go read more about it on Write from Karen.Thursday, April 17, 2008
WW - Cartoon
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Heads or Tails meme
The first photograph was taken from the Lighthouse.
This is Southern most Tip of Africa. The residents enjoy the distinction of being the Africans living closest to the South Pole. It is also the point where the two mighty oceans, Indian and Atlantic, meet.
"At the end of the 15th century the early Portuguese seafarers christened this tip "Cabo das Agulhas" which means "Cape of Needles" and refers to the needle of the compass which at this point shows no real deviation between true north and magnetic north. A truly magic and desolate place, where suddenly one begins to understand the difficulties the early seafarers faced."
Sunday, April 13, 2008
6 Fours
A) FOUR PLACES I GO OVER AND OVER: church, grocery stores, the beach and library.
B) FOUR PEOPLE WHO EMAIL ME REGULARLY: Claire, Claudelle, Weiers and Preston.
C) FOUR OF MY FAVORITE PLACES TO EAT: Spur, Mug & Bean Coffee Shop, Migeul's Al forno at Gordon's Bay and Nando's (specilise in Portuguese chicken)
D) FOUR PLACES I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: Ireland, Western Europe, Namibia or a Health Spa
Addie from Addie's Random Ramblings
Gill from Gill's Jottings
Melanie from Livin With Me!
Wakela from Wakela's World
F) FOUR TV SHOWS I WATCH OVER AND OVER: there are not any TV that I will watch again except maybe children's programs like Gummie Bear and Thundercats which I have watched again with my daughter.
Movies on the other hand - Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady, Greece and Joseph (also Sound of Music)
Quote for the week
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Journalling with the Modern Day Goddess
Today I attended a workshop dealing with the topic of spirituality and solitude. I needed to take a notebook with. I could not find my notebook so I took my Journal for the Modern Goddess. And WOW was that the right thing to do!
I knew that I needed to start dreaming again I needed to new life vision. I had reached the point where I have basically reached all the goals I had set out for myself as a teenager. Now that I am married and have a child I found it more difficult to do. My husband and I used to regularly relook, rethink and dream together about the future. But since we have been here in Cape Town its been harder. I have had to deal with a lot of 'other' stuff that has taken a lot of our energy.
At the end of last year I finally felt I had reached a point where I am ready and need a change and my husband felt the same. I also felt myself hesitant, almost too scared to dream too big. Even with this possible move to Ireland, I have felt myself holding myself back. Not wanting to get too excited because I did not want to be disappointed. Now its just one more letter and our application is ready to handed in to the British High Commission. We have a house to rent and a school for my daughter.
Today in the community of solitude I had a break through and I know that I will be using my journal everyday.
Thank you Nicole and Tara for the tools, thank you Gordon for creating the environment for my breakthrough.
The Simone's caterpillar is stepping into the cocoon.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Write From Karen Photo Contest

I found it very difficult to choose, so I asked my blogging friends to help. This is the one we chose. This was taken at the West Coast National Park last year. It is my daughter looking through the binoculars trying to see some zebra and wildebeeste in the distance.
Camera used: Kodak EasyShare C603 (nothing fancy)
Vote for your favorite photo. Voting begins at 5:00 p.m. U.S. central time April 18th and will end 8:00 p.m. U.S. central time April 21st.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Heads - Express
I have really being enjoying taking photographs. When my husband suggested that we get something more expensive I was resistant to the idea. I did not see photography as a hobby that I wanted to develop. I just wanted to capture some special moments and places. Plus I have started hobbies before, spent money on them and then not continued with them with the same passion. In fact I have even given away some of the tools and "materials" I have bought.
I have not written a poem since 1999. But recently I have felt that I should write something to go with the photographs that I have taken.
When I saw the prompt Express, my immediate thought was I need to take a photograph and express it in words. So I think I am going to play another game - Unconscious Mutterings i.e. write the first few things that come to my mind when I look at this particular photograph.........

Natures climbing gym
Be brave, be strong
You can do it!
See the head and the tail - what can it be
A big Whale!
Monday, April 07, 2008
Four Day Win in a Nutshell
From SimonSays Podcasts
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Spring Photos

Its starts on the 11 April 2008. Voting starts on the 18 April 2008.


100 Day Health Challenge
Got this message in my e-mail. I signed up for the 100 Day Health Challenge with Mary Anne Shearer.
Thought I should share it. It so applicable !
Day 6
OK.. so maybe you thought you blew it once or twice this week, remember that there was nothing to give up and no restrictions, so any restrictions you have were created by yourself. And even if you did eat after 9pm, no one was counting except you. Get over it and get on with what you can do.
You will fall and make mistakes, thank God we all do, but that is a wonderful opportunity to make better choices and do things better at the next meal.
Bless you!
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
You formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High God – you’re breathtaking!
Body and soul I am marvelously made!
I worship in adoration – what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
How I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
All the stages of my life were spread before you,
The days of my life prepared
Before I’d even lived one.
Psalm 139:14-16
Friday, April 04, 2008
Will the insomnia pass?
I have sorted my issue out without causing any emotional upheaval to anyone. So hopeful tonight I will be able to rest.
Right now I need to go sort the student who lives above office. His music is loud and the vibrations are penetrating my room. Arghhhhhhhhh
But I knew that somewhere in my subconscious something was not okay and i obviously did not want to face it. And now 3:40am it suddenly hit me. I feel so silly and upset with myself but I know its true but I also have no idea how I am going to verbalise it. I know I must if I am going to make peace and start sleeping again. I just feel so stupid for having the feelings I am having. I know once verbalized it will not be taken seriously. I babbling......
So why haunted? Cause my mother warned me about this and I laughed at her, told her she was silly and totally ignored her advice. In fact it was something she wanted me to and I refused and so she did it for me. Now someone else actions similar to mine is hurting me. Not intentionally. And in my logical mind I have no reason to feel hurt. Maybe hurt is not the right word
Okay so what is my problem you maybe asking. I am sure you realise by now I feel very embrassed to say what it is but I am also trying to figure out the best way to deal with. As it is still to early in the morning to call one of my friends and I think better when I am talking, I have resorted to blogging but I the people affected may not appreciate me implicating them in my problem. It really is my problem but I choose to act or react if you like will either have no impact or negative on them.
Now I wish blogger had the feature wordpress has to password protect a post - cause I could do with imput from some of blogger friends.
I do suspect that most women would be just as upset as I am. I know what my mother would say.
Oh hell I better get some rest so I can at least be thinking more clearly on issues.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Post 501
I have spent the evening making handmade postcards and bookmarks with my daughter. She is in her first two postcard swaps with Swapbot. She is so excited she is writing about it in her journal!
We are also including bought postcards. Her partner is also 7 years old. Her other swap is to a sister and brother in California who are home schooled and are collecting postcards from all over the world.
This morning we went to Gordons Bay with her friends: Cayden (almost 2), Jared (4) and Michael (6 turning 7 - his also known as Bobo and his from China), to collect shells. Then we went to Caydon and Jared's house to swim and had a picnic on the lawn. Afterwards they watched a movie.
She and Bobo (Michael) went to play with Elenora (she is from Italy).
All in all a very active and fun day!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Heads: Fool

It was a newspaper article about approved name changes to roads and monuments in the City of Durban and Pietermaritzburg, as well as structural changes to our national monuments. Still a very sensitive issue in our Country. Oh we got so upset and then the radio confirmed the Newspaper reports. I think most of the morning went on like that before someone realised that it was the 1st of April.
Here is an interesting fact - no joking.
"In 1903 the Town Council invited architects to submit designs for a new town hall. The winning design was submitted by Stanley G. Hudson who was inspired by the City Hall of Belfast, Northern Ireland and replicated it. On completion in 1910 it was considered a 'very bold and progressive design'." from eThekwini
Another reason i should feel at home if I move to N. Ireland.