This is the view of the from our front door. Looks like its going to be a beautiful clear day with a crispness in the air. Looking forward to a good walk.

I really wanted to try and identify the berries in this tree but I still have no clue. My husband is a keen birder but don't ask me the name of this one. I have slowly picked up some knowledge from him. He is amazed that birding becomes more serious in Winter here - in South Africa it would be spring/summer time.

I am very fascinated by different doors, gates and locks. Coming from South Africa we are always given the impression that we have grown up in a very anxiety ridden need to protect our homes, businesses and ourselves , more so than people in First World countries.

After a day of lecturers at eh CAB regional office in Belfast I returned to Banbridge. This is 5pm in the afternoon at the River Bann after I got off the bus. I can't believe how dark it gets so early.
I busy listening to a book on an ipod from the library - The Ruby in the Smoke by Philip Pullman. its so interesting I decided to take some photos on the way home and continue listening to it. Sometimes I call my husband he picks me up.

Banbridge High Street

Christmas decorations on the bridge
This decor reminds me whey people why Somerset West in Cape Town attracts tourist attraction.
You don't appreciate what you got until you are able to measure it against something else.

This is one of the many little trees - this one in particular is hanging outside the the Banbridge CAB where I volunteer as a receptionist - I am in the process of being trained to become an advisor.
Did this for a swap.
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