Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Tails: A true experience of being brave

Heads Or Tails

In primary school when the boys would come around with frogs and crabs, i would act brave and hold them. Frogs were not bad but I was really scared of been pinched by a crab. But I realised if you showed that you were not scared they wouldn't bother you.

Every time I have to give a talk. speech, act or preach - its an act of bravery. I was once told by a drama teacher that feeling nervous shows that I still cared about what I was doing and that was a good thing.

I have the bravery to try new things like moving to a new country (Au Paired in USA and am now in Northern Ireland), going on a mission trip to Malawi etc.

I was brave when I went for my drivers license for the third time and I will have to find the strength to do the test again in one months time.

I have been brave to face people that are older than me, in higher positions and threaten to hurt me - I did not not back down and stood my ground.

Remembering those times gives me the courage to pick myself up again and to push myself further. If I could do it then, then there is no reason why I cannot do it now.

Bravery to me a state of mind, its a choice I make. Not always an easy one.


Lisa - Life Is Like a Box of Legos said...

Excellent examples of bravery!

Inspiration Alley said...

Sounds like you have had to be brave on lots of occasions.

anthonynorth said...

That last paragraph nailed it. You've understood what bravery is.

Vanessa said...

Living the life like a brave human being is the most difficult but simple type of life. Your words tell it all and I love it.

zula said...

Some human beings on this planet are being born for the struggle and to lead rest of the world. I think this is a great opportunity to prove us a brave human being.