Sunday, November 26, 2006

What Makes You Feel Attractive?

They are beautiful. They transform from an ugly cocoon and worm into a mazing beautiful creature?

I’m interested to know what makes you feel attractive. Is it getting attention from the opposite
sex? If yes, in what ways?

Do you feel attractive when you’re wearing a nice pair of shoes… matching, sexy underwear… beautiful clothes?

Do you feel attractive when you receive gifts, smiles, phone calls…?

Do you feel attractive when you just stepped out of the beauty parlour - with a new haircut, a massage, a facial…?

Do you feel attractive when your partner praises you? Or tells you you’re beautiful?

What is it really that makes you feel really attractive, sexy, desirable…?


Anonymous said...

Getting my legs waxed, a manicure and nice lipstick - all external. How shallow.

Le Butterfly said...

Not all.

Its all about how it makes you feel