I have booked for the 6 December to this tour and then to make Christmas wreaths at the Coin Glen Forest centre. Should be a fun day for the kids.
Christmas Tours Saturday 5th December 2009—10.30am
Sunday 6th December 2009—10.30am
Saturday 12th December 2009—10.30am
Sunday 13th December 2009—10.30am
Monday 14th December 2009—7.30pm
Saturday 19th December 2009—10.30am
Sunday 20th December 2009—10.30am
Tuesday 22nd December 2009—7.30pm
Each FREE tour lasts approximately one hour with and will include an illustrated talk on the history of the castle and its development to the present day.
The tour finishes with complementary tea, coffee and mince pies afterwards. To book a place on one of the tours please contact the reception at
Belfast Castle on 028 90776925