You Are an Omelette |
![]() You are an outrageous and bold person. You enjoy taking risks, even if you end up falling flat on your face. You are very open to the world, and you love to mash up the different things you love. You leap before you look, and you try to leap as often as you can. You believe in embracing opportunities. You are a fascinating and colorful. You've lived an interesting life, and you have lots of stories to tell. |
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
What kind of egg are you?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
ww from Galway

Photos taken at two different churches just outside of Galway earlier this year.
I need to get out and take more photographs. Get some new material.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
HEADS - "Book"

HEADS - "Book"
You Are Fantasy / Sci Fi |
![]() You have an amazing imagination, and in your mind, all things are possible. You are open minded, and you find the future exciting. You crave novelty and progress. Compared to most people, you are quirky and even a bit eccentric. You have some wacky ideas. And while you may be a bit off the wall, there's no denying how insightful and creative you are. |
mmmmm Interesting I don't read sci-fi Books and it took a while but i can say I am into sci-fi movies and series, really like the relationship element to it. Not sure how eccentric I really am but otherwise I would say that the description is very accurate.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Talking Becoming Prayer
Spirit of hope, healing, delivering peace,
awaiting the faint breathe to grace my skin
coaxing me, to sit, be in your presence
You call me to be still, to tell you my cares
my strife, my pressing worries
tentatively, at first, I begin to speak
all my frustrations tumble out
You encourage my faith
to share the bigger issues
a passing fear has been dismissed
I remember I am able to tell you everything
Lord God, you remind me you will always listen
so long as I have time to talk.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Let me out, Let me out

These photos was taken at Castle Espie Wetland Centre is set on the shores of the stunning Strangford Lough. Its in a hut that is still been built. This will become a birdwatching hide.

Window Views
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Way of Poetry
My way –
no-one on the road
and it’s autumn, getting dark
His "Way of Poetry," the path he had chosen for his life, was an absolute commitment to seeking religious enlightenment through working at haiku, and he wanted his disciples to understand that the finest form of it had a spirit of "lightness."
Basho died over 300 years ago, on the road, in a remote part of the country, in autumn. He lay ill with stomach pains for several days, and his admirers came from far and wide to see him. One of his disciples took down his last poem, which in Japanese tradition is important as the "death poem."
Ill on my journey –
dreams roam
parched moors
Click here for more about Basho and learning Haiku
Monday, September 14, 2009
Which Way?

Looking within
Getting lost
Stumbling around
Abandoning the search
Hanging to the façade
Reaching out
Deep within
Beyond heavens
Nothing is illuminating the path
The Search continues
I beat my own way
I will not stop
I will not give up
I will continue along ways
that are known and unknown
that are scary
that are exciting .........
Simone (SALF)
Living Green Fair
I did a movement workshop and Christine watched a demonstration on making a Pheasant stew.
The kids got mendi hand art and did fruit & veg painting.
We walked through an Art gallery, various stalls and had drinks over looking the lake.
It was a beautiful sunny day and we actually had a picnic!!
Ended the day listing to harp recital.
Before we got to the car the girls got themselves full of mud!!

It was excellent - just what my spirits needed.

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cool Window View
Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Heads or Tails
HEADS - "Way"
TAILS - "Rhymes With Way" lists 716 rhymes with way. Check it out.

Monday, September 07, 2009
100 People I admire
1. My mom -

2. My brother Ashley. His respect for women from a young age . his respect for his adoptive father even when our father didn't deserve it. His care for us as a family when he could have done anything else. His willingness share whatever his has with others. His been my mentor, care-giver and friend.3. My oldest sister Debbie. Her perserverance and love for her children. The way she continues to read and develop herself despite the fact that she did not complete school and was married at 16 years old. She has taught me that there is no need to take revenge on people that hurt us. And that we are not defined by our circumstances.
4. Daryl Williams - I admire the way she uses her talents to help others, her openness to others, her strength, creativity and energy. Non-racism in a South Africa when it was not popular. She has been a great friend and mentor. She is the type of person I want to emulate.
5. Leo Buscalia - His books guided me through my teenage years and helped form my philosophies in life.
To live in love is to live in life, and to live in life is to live in love." But this should never be done passively. He wrote, "It's not enough to have lived. We should determine to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely." Only you will be able to discover, realize, develop and actualize your uniqueness. And when you do, it's your duty to then "give it away."
6. Carl Jung is truly one of the great minds of psychology.
An understanding heart is everything in a teacher, and cannot be esteemed highly enough. One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feeling. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.
- Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism.
- Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to a better understanding of ourselves.
7. Leslie Kenton. She is an example of how a women can do anything she puts her mind to. Have various different careers and empower others. She is an inspiration.
8. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhi first employed non-violent civil disobedience while an expatriate lawyer in South Africa, during the resident Indian community's struggle for civil rights.
9. Elizabeth Barrett Browning. A strong woman. Who stood for what she believed. She fought for social justice. A great writer and poet.
10. Maria Montessori: She was the first woman to become a physician in Italy and studied at the University of Rome. She specialized in psychiatry and pediatrics and taught medical school at the University of Rome.
Maria's began working with children by accepting speaking engagements in Europe relating to peace efforts, helping with the women's movement, and also performing as an activist in the child labor law reform. This caused her to become well-regarded and well-known in Europe.
She began to initiate the reform wave for mentally handicapped children. She first took the idea of initiating a scientific approach to the education of these children.
11. Julie Andrews. A great actress (best known for the Sound of Music) and in addition to her work for many charitable organizations, Ms. Andrews has authored a number of books for children.
12. Michael Currin. A white South African who work in the communications department for government and organised groups and events to bring youth from the different race groups together before apartheid was completely abolished. He was another great mentor in my life. He gave us the opportunity to make a real difference.
13. Napoleon Bonaparte.
14. Bismarck was a Prussian German statesman and aristocrat of the 19th century. Great strategist.
15. Shaka Zulu
16. Helen Suzman, politician (1917 - 2009)
17. Nelson Mandela
18. Bruce Fordyce ultra-marathon runner - won the comrades marathon 9 times.
19. Zola Budd marathon and long-distance runner (South African)
20. Hansie Conje South African Cricket Captain.
21. Johnny Clegg formed the first racially mixed South African band, Juluka, with gardener and Zulu musician Sipho Mchunu. Because it was frowned upon (although not actually forbidden by law)
22. Pieter Dirk Uys (Evita Bezuidenhout)active as a performer, author, and social activist. Under Apartheid, Uys used the medium of humour and stand-up comedy to criticize and expose the absurdity of the South African government's racial policies.
23. Penelope Jane Dunlop also known as PJ Powers or Thandeka: 1988 saw PJ banned from radio and TV for a year by the apartheid government for her performance at a charity concert for war orphans in Zimbabwe, together with Miriam Makeba and Harry Belafonte. She was encouraged to continue her singing by Nelson Mandela, who sent her an encouraging letter from Victor Verster Prison in Cape Town.
24. Trevor Manuel - a coloured politician who held South Africa together financial from 1996-2009 - One longest standing members of Parliament.
25. Naas Botha one South Africa's greatest rugby players.
26. Natalie du Toit, disabled swimmer - a great role model.
27. Jonty Rhodes another great sportsman, cricketer and role model.
28. F W De Klerk , the man who release Nelson Mandela and led the final dismantlement of apartheid.
29. Albert Einstein
30. Marie Curie was as a physicist and chemist of Polish upbringing and, subsequently, French citizenship. She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity, the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes. and the first female professor at the University of Paris.
31. Booker T. Washington
32. President JFK - Kennedy
32. President Abraham Lincon
33. President George Washington
34. President Thomas Jefferson
35. President Roosevelt
36. Winston Churchill
37. Abraham Maslow Psychologists
38. Eric Fromm Psychologists
39. Jean Jacques Rousseau was a major philosopher, writer, and composer of the eighteenth-century Enlightenment, whose political philosophy influenced the French Revolution and the development of modern political and educational thought.
40. Simone de Beauvoir is considered the mother of post-1968 feminism. There has also been a growing awareness of her as a major French thinker and existentialist philosopher.
41. Sir Isaac Newton
42. Benjamin Franklin
43. Queen Elizabeth I : One of her mottoes was "video et taceo" ("I see, and say nothing"). This strategy, viewed with impatience by her counsellors, often saved her from political and marital misalliances.
44. Martin Luther
45. Adam Smith
46. Piaget
47. Stephen R Covey
45. Martha Beck - had the courage to change her religion and overcome so much else in life.
46. Fernando - South American who became part of the the North American Group - Heritage Singers. I had the privilege of meeting him when I was 7 years old.
47. Ruth Crocombe - a great friend, pastors wife, good with crafts, excellent organiser and an inspiration
48. Claudelle Bender - a great friend, photographer, ability to work with children
49. Mr Ash - my Afrikaans teacher - his ability to inspire pupils to reach for the stars. Learners wanted to well.
50. Margaret Thatcher. Shhe was born in the lower middle class (she was the daughter of a baker), and she managed to get into Oxford and rise to be Prime Minister.
51. Oprah Winfrey
52. Anna Roddick- founder of “the body shop”- refused to sell products which were tested on animals
53. Socrates
54. Thomsa Edison
55. Leonado Da Vinci
56. Alexander Graham Bell
57. Cleopatra
58. Joan of Arc
59. A British suffragette, Emily Pankhurst dedicated her life to the promotion of women’s rights. She explored all avenues of protest including violence, public demonstrations and hunger strikes. She died in 1928, 3 weeks before a law giving all women over 21 the right to vote.
60. Helen Keller
61. Rosa Parks refusal to give up her bus seat to a white man indirectly led to some of the most significant civil rights legislation of American history.
62. Eva Peron was widely loved by the ordinary people of Argentina. She campaigned tirelessly for both the poor and for the extension of women’s rights.
63. Anne Frank.“Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.”
64. Khalil Gibran - artist, activist and poet - best known for his book The Prophet
Billie Jean King : One of the greatest female athletes Billie Jean King was one of the greatest female tennis champions who battled for equal pay for women.
66.Henry Ford67. Virginia Woolf
68. Whitney Houston
69. The group Tree 63: The band was formed in 1996 and originally, it was unnamed. In 1997, the band had to come up with a name before performing at North Beach, Durban. An inspiring group of guys from my home time that have made it Internationally.
70. Suze Orman :Personal Finance author, Certified Financial Planner and Media Personality
71. Alice Walker : She has written at length on issues of race and gender, and is most famous for the critically acclaimed novel The Color Purple for which she won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
72. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: German Lutheran pastor and theologian. He was also a participant in the German Resistance movement against Nazism, a founding member of the Confessing Church. His involvement in plans by members of the Abwehr (the German Military Intelligence Office) to assassinate Adolf Hitler resulted in his arrest in April 1943 and his subsequent execution by hanging in April 1945, shortly before the war's end. His view of Christianity's role in the secular world has become very influential.
73. Niki Lauda: is an Austrian aviator, entrepreneur, former Formula One (F1) racing driver and three-time F1 World Champion. I admire him most for coming back to Formula One after almost dieing in a Racing car accident.
74. Toni Morrison is a Nobel Prize-winning American author, editor, and professor.
75. Julia Cameron teacher, author, artist, poet, playwright, novelist, filmmaker, composer, and journalist. She is perhaps most famous for her book The Artist's Way (1992).
76. Richard Rive. South African writer, literary critic, and teacher whose short stories, which were dominated by the ironies and oppression of apartheid and by the degradation of slum life, have been extensively anthologized and translated into more than a dozen languages. He was considered to be one of South Africa’s most important short-story writers.
77. Jean Sasson is an American writer who writes mainly about women in the Middle East.
78. Hyveth Williams has the distinction of being the first black American woman to pastor a Seventh-day Adventist Church. A one-time atheist, drinker, smoker, radio personality, political exec.
79. Joanna Hall one of the UK's leading fitness, diet and lifestyle experts, promotes how to lead a healthy lifestyle
80. Kathy Smith (personal trainer) lost her father from a heart attack when she was 17, and lost her mother in a plane crash. The tragedy in her life led her to start running and doing aerobics. In college, she studied dance kinesiology, exercise physiology and nutrition.
81. W.B. Yeats - Dublin-born poet and later Senator who was a driving force in the Irish Literary Revivival and who co-founded the Abbey Theatre. Received the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1923
82. Jesus
83. Buddha
84. Peter - disciple of Jesus
85. Deborah - a leader of the Jews
Tenzin Palmo: spent twelve years living in a remote cave in the Himalayas, three of those years in strict meditation retreat.Vicki Mackenzie, who wrote Cave in the Snow about her, relates that what inspired the writing of the book was reading Tenzin Palmo's statement to a Buddhist magazine that "I have made a vow to attain Enlightenment in the female form - no matter how many lifetimes it takes".
87. Gloria Estefan: Her roots are 90 miles away from where she lives. But she also holds them very close to her: in her heart. Gloria Estefan, a pop music superstar both in English and in Spanish, has never forgotten the island she came from.88. Amelia Earhart
Amelia displayed tremendous courage in becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean. She went on to set all kinds of flying records before her death in 1937.
89. Christopher Reeve
The actor most recognized for his role as Superman, broke his neck in a riding accident in 1995. For the next 9 years as a quadriplegic, Christopher learned to appreciate the full meaning of life.
90. Arthur Ashe
Arthur was the first black male to be the number 1 ranked tennis player in the world. Yet, he will be most remembered for his character and integrity off the court.
91. Audrey Hepburn: Her war-time experiences inspired her passion for humanitarian work, and although she had worked for UNICEF since the 1950s, during her later life, she dedicated much of her time and energy to the organization. Hepburn became one of the most successful film actresses in the world.
92. Sir Sidney Poitier, is a Bahamian-American actor, film director, author, and diplomat. He broke through as a star in acclaimed performances in American films and plays, which, by consciously defying racial stereotyping, gave a new dramatic credibility for black actors to mainstream film audiences in the Western world.
93. Vincent van Gogh
94. Sir Thomas More
95. Jackie Chan
96. Bruce Lee
97. Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, and religious philosopher
98. My father-in-law Dr Paul Coetser - Doctor in Education. He so calm in rough situations, very fair (I worked under him for 3 years), great thinker.
99. My husband Weiers Coetser
100. Me
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Sunday mutterings
I say ... and you think ... ?
- Abusive :: physical and mental
- Psychotic :: crazy
- Parents :: Trap
- Yell :: hola
- Amulet :: necklace, prize,
- Sandstorm :: Desert, army
- Amusement :: Park
- Imitation :: leather, goods
- Baby :: Shower, boomers
- Rainbows :: God's Love, Leprechauns, pot of Gold, red shoes
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
My yellow Story

Growing up, we looked forward to Christmas, not just our presents but our Christmas outfit for church. That would become our main church clothes for the following year. One Christmas I got a yellow dress, with yellow sandals, yellow hairbands and a yellow bag. I loved the bag. By the end of the following year I had had enough of yellow for years to come. I can gladly say that I have made peace with the colour yellow and have to yellow tops in my wardrobe.
Wearing Yellow - Cheerful and Happy
Yellow is the perfect color to wear whenever your spirits needs an uplift.
Yellow carries the same healing qualities associated with the sun. It offers warmth, optimism, and light. All shades of yellows and golds will cheer you up and help make you feel happier. Wearing yellow out into the world makes an affirmation statement. For certain, yellow is a perky color!
Realize no single color is entirely "off-limits" due to your coloring. It often depends on the hue, color make-up and so on of the garment. You might look horrible in a mustard but radiant in a pastel yellow, for instance.

Psychology Yellow
It is associated with the intellectual side of the mind, and the expression of thoughts. It therefore aids the powers of discernment and dis-crimination, memory and clear thinking, decision making and good judgment. It also helps good organization, assimilation of new ideas, and the ability to see different points of view. It builds self-confidence and encourages an optimistic attitude. Conversely, dull yellow can be the colour of fear
How to use yellow in colour therapy