The first thing that popped into to my head was an advert:
"Shake Aromat shake! aro eggs, aro chips, aro mielies!"
Unfortunately I couldn't find that specific ad - it was over 23 years ago that it played on SA television.
The taste you'll fall in love with again and again. Go on! Shake our Original flavour favourite on chips, pizza, popcorn, pap, stews, just about anything, and make a meal worth talking about.
I personally do like the taste of aromat but I loved listening to the advert. I remember a perosn visiting us and he said he never met a family where we watched TV for the adverts - My sister and i made a game of it. It was basically who could guess the advert/product first and then we would sing along with it.
Here is a SA recipe - TUNA BAKE, from Proudly Indian.
An interesting blog post I found on SA adverts kick British But by Po from Spindrifting South African Seamonkey.
I thought let me get a picture. In the process I discovered that there are 32 physical shops in the UK that sell South African Products and a few more online shops that I did not realise existed.
I can proably visited this one http://www.kalaharimoon.co.uk/ in Bristol, its near my sister-in-law.
I have an ad that sticks in my head from childhood too - it was for bubblebath. I wonder if you can even buy that brand anymore!
Anyway, loved the post, and the interpretation of the theme :-)
I love that ad, specially the "aro mielies" part! Yes, there are loads of South African shops in the UK, sadly none where I live though!
Thanks for the mention.
Oooh, I went looking for the advert for you, and I found a bunch of other ones. I, too, was unable to find the one you were looking for. But I did see where others quoted it just as you have done, so I know it exists. I just can't find a clip. But the ones I did gave me a good idea of the quality of the commercials the company put out. *chuckle* I can see why you immediately thought of this when you saw the word "shake"!
Happy HoT!
isnt it funny how we remember stuff from the adverts lol
my hots is up too :)
mine hot is posted. hope you can drop by.
This was on the air 23 years ago? For some reason this seems familiar to me. Hmm, oh well. :) Thanks for sharing this Tuesday! My HoT is finally posted. If you have a moment, check it out.
I'm from the UK so don't know that ad. The ad from here that comes to mind is Shake 'n' Vac, a carpet cleaner.
It had a catchy tune.
I don't think I have ever seen a South African shop. The closest I have seen is a World Vision shop in Tasmania.
I too have an ad that sticks from childhood. It was an Aeroplane Jelly ad.
Loved this post! Now I've got "I like Aeroplane Jelly" rattling around in my head! lol!
You and me both thought of advertisements for the week's prompt...shake.
Happy HoT...my shake is posted, won't you stop by when you get a chance? I'd love to have you visit.
What a great trip down memory lane with this week's HoT for shake, mine is up at The Cafe at the END of the Universe should you like to pop in.
Great take on the prompt - I'm not familiar with the ad, nor the product, but I enjoyed your post!
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