South Africans unite against xenophobia (from the South Africa --Good News newsletter) |
Reports of xenophobic violence and hatred have featured prominently in In the Eastern Cape, Rhodes University staff and students will be signing pledges of African solidarity today. Each person who signs the pledge will be given an Africans gather in a show of unity By Lindy Mtongana ******************************************* Make a difference
South Africans on Facebook are rallying support. Groups to join include: Also, have a look at the suggestions posted on SARocks.co.za If you know of other organisations or ways to help - particularly in Cape Town and Durban and any other areas where these attacks are taking place - please let us know and we will add them to the list. |
A great post on the blog, The Art of Intimacy entitled - How to Stay Married? - I would change the title to Why I stay married.
QUOTES:"People stay married because they want to, not because the doors are locked." -
-- Paul newman
Noses and diapers
And things that need wiping
PTA letters
And notes that need typing
Dishes are calling
And so are my friends
I move through the house like a hurricane wind
Sure there was Mary
But what about Martha
Scurry and hurry
Round her home and hearth, "Uh
Jesus tell Mary
To start helping out"
The Master's reply left little to doubt
Slow down and sit down
And stop all your rushing
Mary is quiet
Her spirit is hushing
Martha, dear Martha
You want what is best
Oh, come to the quiet and in My love rest.
Oh, so busy
In a tizzy
What am I to do?
Remember the story of Martha and Mare.
Then change your outlook too.
Read the script here.
Copyright Glenn A.Hascall, all rights reserved. This script may be used free of charge, provided no charge is made for entry. In return, the author would appreciate being notified of any performance. He may be contacted at glenn.hascallATgmail.com
Cartoon by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.