I will be reading Dynamic Living - How to take charge of your health by Dr. han Diehl and Aileen Ludington.
Going to Scotland for a week.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love! ~Hamilton Wright Mabie
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I say ... and you think ... ?
I say ... and you think ... ?
- Interest :: Rates, Concern, genuine
- Chase :: Police Cars
- Itch :: Scratch
- Soothe :: rub gently, talk softly
- Lamp :: bedside reading
- Tutor :: mentor and teacher
- Nicole :: Kidman
- Sloth :: 7 deadly sins
- Burn :: Crash & Burn
- Bug :: sub tropics
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Green Swap Ideas

Recycle some jokes from http://blog.greenfinder.co.uk:

Looking for a a unique e-Christmas card that also sends a recycling message: http://christmascards.recyclenow.com/choose/
A Card Tree* - If you hate to part with beautiful Christmas cards each year, then save them to use as tree decorations. Glue the front and back halves together to make a sturdier ornament, punch holes in the top, then tie to the tree with ribbons. Or, laminate some cards and use those as ornaments. Or, cut out portions of the cards and decoupage onto wooden craft shapes to use as ornaments.
*Christmas Card Images* - This is one of the simplest of christmas tree decorating ideas. Cut the images that you like from last year's Christmas cards and color the back with gold or silver magic marker. Then hang it from the tree with a shiny ribbon. This look is especially nice on a wall mounted christmas tree that is placed next to your main entryway.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
100 Things to Do During a Money Free Weekend
The Challenge list 100 things to do on your or with family and friend.
Idea from The Simple Dollar finance blog.
1. Immerse yourself in a new culture - have an African or Mexican or French weekend.
2. Plan a tour for your family/friends/ partner (DATE) - gather info from the tourist office and then give them guided walking tour!
3. Go geocaching. You don't have to exchange items in the box - you can just record the fact that you found it.
4. Read a book - one you bought a while ago or even better one from the Library.
Have a Book club night or just reading aloud for fun.
5. Have a boardgames night.
6. Play card games.
7. concert night - eveyone plans an item to show off their talents.
8. Do your own Pantomime at home:
9. Get creative - do a recycling craft.
10. Make an event of baking or cooking together.
11. Have a lazy pajama day. No housework.
12. Video/DVD marathon - watch 3-6 or more DVD's after each other. You can re-watch ones you have, borrow from the library or friends.
13. Indoor games like Bowling (making your indoor alley), table tennis/snooker (if you have that equipment.
14. Organise your photo albums.
15. Do clear-out of clothes cupboards or stationary draw or CD/DVD's. You will be amazed at what you may find.
16. Read some blogs or internet articles.
17. Play free online games on facebook etc.......
18. Go window shopping (that means you look but you don't buy :) )
19. make ATC - artist trading cards, or make your own christmas/birthday cards in advance - recycle old cards etc.....
20. Have a pamper day - do self-one or friends/ family - do each other hair, feet, hands etc...... Don't have beauty products see what you can use that is already in your kitchen like a banana mask, a milk bath, eggs for face or hair.
21. Make or colour in mandala.
22. Go on a hike.
23. Exercise at home - with a DVD or free online stuff on You Tube etc.
24. Learn a new language.
25. Learn a knew craft /skill - like changing a car tire or sewing or scrapbooking. Learn from a family member/friend/DIY books/DVD's
26. Sunbathe - if the weather allows.
27. Start writing that book or poem you always plan to do. Family Soltaire may help the process along ie. choose a spot the house or park and spend 30min to 1 hr jsut listening/writing/drawing.
28. Start a journal/blog
29. Write a letter.
30. Try a new hairstyle - or be brave and cut your own hair.
31. Look for and contact old friends via facebook/Skype/telephone.
32. Visit a new church/religious centre. It could be a really interesting experience.
33. Volunteer for a river/park clean up.
34. Walk the dog - if you don't have one offer to walk a neigbours'/friend's one.
35. Make a dream/vision collage.
36. Plan your week.
37. Family meeting to create mission statement.
38. Show & Tell
39. Picnic Day - In Winter/bad weather have an indoor picnic.
40. Set up the tent in your back yard or if live in a flat put it up in your lounge - just for the fun of it (could be romantic).
41. Collect sea shells/leaves/stones
42. Make your own potpourri or bath salts
43. Build a puzzle - you could frame it afterwards.
44. Boost your brain power by doing crossword puzzles or soduku
45. Go swimming - beach, public pool, checkout for free swimming passes if you don't have one in your backyard.
46. Do some gardening.
47. Start a compost bin.
48. Do the important paper work you have been putting off like your will /taxes/budget.
49. Have a drumming session - you can make your own drums using recycled material.
50. Try out meditating / yoga
51. Have a clothes exchange party with friends.
52. CSI / other game you have not played for ages - make an event of it - have bring & braai /potluck party.
53. Make gifts in advance for birthdays/thank you's or Christmas.
54. Plan your next holiday.
55. Play with some kids - your own, your friends or family's kids - hide and seek or take them to the park.
56. ride a bicycle or learn to ride one.
57. Photography Day - play around with your camera and computer software.
58. Become a tourist in your own town/city. Check online for free activities in your area eg. Tourist website or Community Website. I have found free walking tours and museum tours that sometime even include refreshments!
59. Discover new music by listening to Last FM or exploring You Tube.
60. Have a No-TV or no-digital stuff weekend.
61. Take time to sew the button or hole in your clothes.
62. Do some household maintenance.
63. Write a shopping list /menu plan for the new week.
64. Cook meals to freeze.
65. Make your own bread - fun and brings a great smell into the house.
66. Learn to dance or learn a new dance. You don't always need a partner.
67. Have a weekend Detox.
68. Learn something new about your computer - eg. try out a program you have used like excel or powerpoint or explore linux or other free software.
69. Listen to music. To add extra spice do dedications or play DJ.
70. Rearrange the furniture in one of your rooms.
71. Write a list of 100. On any issue. Interesting to compare with others.
72. Join a group in the community or online.
73. Go Birdwatching.
74. Do your own Stargazing.
75. Take time to cut up coupon or go on price-compare websites.
76. Make a family recipe book - you could even take photos of your finished products.
77. Make a family Newsletter / paper.
78. Research a topic.
79. Have an official family meeting to plan your next Money free Weekend.
80. Exchange a house/apartment with friend or family member for the weekend.
81. Do a garage sale.
82. Go Puddle Hunting.
83. Blow Bubbles - even better make your own - having a bubble photo shoot.
84. Challenge yourselves to complete 5,10km walk or cycle a specific area.
85. Watch the sunrise and the sunset.
86. Browse through a bookstore. When my kid was little it felt like a nightmare but it soon paid off and she wanted to be like mummy and daddy.
87. Colour in a whole colouring book.
88. Go to a free museum.
89. Soak up the culture in an Art gallery
90. Have a themed weekend - to activities around the 60's - watch movies, listen to music, you can download quiz questions from the internet etc......
91. Play chess or learn to play it. Have a chess tournament.
92. Make your own indoor or outdoor labyrinth from stones you collected or tins/glass jars/paper bags with candles in them. Choose a design together, build it and then walk it.
93. Give your parents/children breakfast in bed.
94. Go feed the ducks in the park.
95. Have an upside down dinner - dessert, then main course, then starter.
96. Have a traveling dinner with friends - eat one course at the one person's house/apartment then walk to drive to the next person etc......
only use what you have already - do it like a potluck.
97. Build a snowman or sand castles or make mud pies.
98. Look around for free cheese, wine or chocolate tasting events or shops.
99. Make a family time capsule
100. have a family meeting to make another 100 more or less ideas of they would like to do on money free weekends
Idea from The Simple Dollar finance blog.
1. Immerse yourself in a new culture - have an African or Mexican or French weekend.
2. Plan a tour for your family/friends/ partner (DATE) - gather info from the tourist office and then give them guided walking tour!
3. Go geocaching. You don't have to exchange items in the box - you can just record the fact that you found it.
4. Read a book - one you bought a while ago or even better one from the Library.
Have a Book club night or just reading aloud for fun.
5. Have a boardgames night.
6. Play card games.
7. concert night - eveyone plans an item to show off their talents.
8. Do your own Pantomime at home:
9. Get creative - do a recycling craft.
10. Make an event of baking or cooking together.
11. Have a lazy pajama day. No housework.
12. Video/DVD marathon - watch 3-6 or more DVD's after each other. You can re-watch ones you have, borrow from the library or friends.
13. Indoor games like Bowling (making your indoor alley), table tennis/snooker (if you have that equipment.
14. Organise your photo albums.
15. Do clear-out of clothes cupboards or stationary draw or CD/DVD's. You will be amazed at what you may find.
16. Read some blogs or internet articles.
17. Play free online games on facebook etc.......
18. Go window shopping (that means you look but you don't buy :) )
19. make ATC - artist trading cards, or make your own christmas/birthday cards in advance - recycle old cards etc.....
20. Have a pamper day - do self-one or friends/ family - do each other hair, feet, hands etc...... Don't have beauty products see what you can use that is already in your kitchen like a banana mask, a milk bath, eggs for face or hair.
21. Make or colour in mandala.
22. Go on a hike.
23. Exercise at home - with a DVD or free online stuff on You Tube etc.
24. Learn a new language.
25. Learn a knew craft /skill - like changing a car tire or sewing or scrapbooking. Learn from a family member/friend/DIY books/DVD's
26. Sunbathe - if the weather allows.
27. Start writing that book or poem you always plan to do. Family Soltaire may help the process along ie. choose a spot the house or park and spend 30min to 1 hr jsut listening/writing/drawing.
28. Start a journal/blog
29. Write a letter.
30. Try a new hairstyle - or be brave and cut your own hair.
31. Look for and contact old friends via facebook/Skype/telephone.
32. Visit a new church/religious centre. It could be a really interesting experience.
33. Volunteer for a river/park clean up.
34. Walk the dog - if you don't have one offer to walk a neigbours'/friend's one.
35. Make a dream/vision collage.
36. Plan your week.
37. Family meeting to create mission statement.
38. Show & Tell
39. Picnic Day - In Winter/bad weather have an indoor picnic.
40. Set up the tent in your back yard or if live in a flat put it up in your lounge - just for the fun of it (could be romantic).
41. Collect sea shells/leaves/stones
42. Make your own potpourri or bath salts
43. Build a puzzle - you could frame it afterwards.
44. Boost your brain power by doing crossword puzzles or soduku
45. Go swimming - beach, public pool, checkout for free swimming passes if you don't have one in your backyard.
46. Do some gardening.
47. Start a compost bin.
48. Do the important paper work you have been putting off like your will /taxes/budget.
49. Have a drumming session - you can make your own drums using recycled material.
50. Try out meditating / yoga
51. Have a clothes exchange party with friends.
52. CSI / other game you have not played for ages - make an event of it - have bring & braai /potluck party.
53. Make gifts in advance for birthdays/thank you's or Christmas.
54. Plan your next holiday.
55. Play with some kids - your own, your friends or family's kids - hide and seek or take them to the park.
56. ride a bicycle or learn to ride one.
57. Photography Day - play around with your camera and computer software.
58. Become a tourist in your own town/city. Check online for free activities in your area eg. Tourist website or Community Website. I have found free walking tours and museum tours that sometime even include refreshments!
59. Discover new music by listening to Last FM or exploring You Tube.
60. Have a No-TV or no-digital stuff weekend.
61. Take time to sew the button or hole in your clothes.
62. Do some household maintenance.
63. Write a shopping list /menu plan for the new week.
64. Cook meals to freeze.
65. Make your own bread - fun and brings a great smell into the house.
66. Learn to dance or learn a new dance. You don't always need a partner.
67. Have a weekend Detox.
68. Learn something new about your computer - eg. try out a program you have used like excel or powerpoint or explore linux or other free software.
69. Listen to music. To add extra spice do dedications or play DJ.
70. Rearrange the furniture in one of your rooms.
71. Write a list of 100. On any issue. Interesting to compare with others.
72. Join a group in the community or online.
73. Go Birdwatching.
74. Do your own Stargazing.
75. Take time to cut up coupon or go on price-compare websites.
76. Make a family recipe book - you could even take photos of your finished products.
77. Make a family Newsletter / paper.
78. Research a topic.
79. Have an official family meeting to plan your next Money free Weekend.
80. Exchange a house/apartment with friend or family member for the weekend.
81. Do a garage sale.
82. Go Puddle Hunting.
83. Blow Bubbles - even better make your own - having a bubble photo shoot.
84. Challenge yourselves to complete 5,10km walk or cycle a specific area.
85. Watch the sunrise and the sunset.
86. Browse through a bookstore. When my kid was little it felt like a nightmare but it soon paid off and she wanted to be like mummy and daddy.
87. Colour in a whole colouring book.
88. Go to a free museum.
89. Soak up the culture in an Art gallery
90. Have a themed weekend - to activities around the 60's - watch movies, listen to music, you can download quiz questions from the internet etc......
91. Play chess or learn to play it. Have a chess tournament.
92. Make your own indoor or outdoor labyrinth from stones you collected or tins/glass jars/paper bags with candles in them. Choose a design together, build it and then walk it.
93. Give your parents/children breakfast in bed.
94. Go feed the ducks in the park.
95. Have an upside down dinner - dessert, then main course, then starter.
96. Have a traveling dinner with friends - eat one course at the one person's house/apartment then walk to drive to the next person etc......
only use what you have already - do it like a potluck.
97. Build a snowman or sand castles or make mud pies.
98. Look around for free cheese, wine or chocolate tasting events or shops.
99. Make a family time capsule
100. have a family meeting to make another 100 more or less ideas of they would like to do on money free weekends
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