A NEW guide released today for those blighted with the double misery of poor
mental health and problem debt has been welcomed as a “life saver” by
growing charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP).
The booklet, written in plain English for individuals and their carers, has been produced by TV’s money expert Martin Lewis and provides clear advice for some of the UK’s most vulnerable people. It covers issues of how to reduce debt, where to get help and legal advice.
Among others, Martin Lewis lists CAP as an organisation people can contact
for caring advice to help them become debt free.
John Kirkby, founder and international director of debt counselling charity
CAP said: “We expect this guide to literally save lives. The isolation and fear of living with out-of-control debts is (Click Here to get the Free Book)
a unique kind of misery which can drive
people to the edge.
“Debts can also be caused by people whose mental health means their
dealings with their finances and bills can be erratic. There is advice in this
guide for them too.”
He recommended people with vulnerable family members also read the guide
which includes advice from consultant psychiatrist Rob Waller who trains
CAP’s staff out in the field to identify and understand the issues. Research undertaken in 2008 by leading medics and published in Psychological Medicine found: “The more debts people had, the more likely they were to have some from of mental disorder…people with six or more
separate debts had a six-fold increase in mental disorder.”
CAP offers free debt counselling for people regardless of age, gender or
beliefs through 150 church-based centres throughout the UK. Every day staff
celebrate people becoming debt free.
Not only is the advice free and face-to-face, it happens in the clients’ home
making it ideal for anyone feeling unwell, fearful or unable to cope with life.
For debt help ring 0800 328 0006 or visit www.capuk.org to find out more.