Don't have one - couldn't figure out how to get a nickname and have my actual name on my address.
If i did it would have be Le-Butterfly
2. What is the most unique or interesting thing about the city, or country you live in?
Northern Ireland: Everyone knows the story of RMS Titanic, yet few realise the ship was built right here in Belfast.
3.If you celebrate the winter holidays, share a special memory or thing you enjoy about the season.
When I lived in Durban, South Africa - it was going swimming (pools were empty and free) and be at the beach when the big Surfing competition (Gunston 500) was on.
4. What's your favourite song at the moment?
Soak up the sun by Sheryl Crow
5.What's your favourite frozen food?
6.What scent do you wear the most?
Lavender (calming, relaxing, stress relieving)
7.One word that describes me is......#
You Are Emotional |
You are dependable, popular, and observant. Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness. In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do. You are unique, creative, and expressive. You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while. And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming! |
8. My favourite crafts are........(include pics, or links to your stuff!)
Knitting9. If I had a million dollars I would......
Buy a house, travel , invest it.
10. 3 things I'm good at are........... ( think positive, dont leave this blank!)
Organising programs Teaching Listening11.My favourite childhood toy was a.......
didn't really have one - liked marbles, cars and one teddy bear that looked like a fox.
Gave away all my dolls by the time I turned 10. I liked paper dolls.
12. Name 5 you cant live without........
Feeling loved, wanted, understood and needed
food glorious food
family and friends
music the other food of life
Internet connection (well maybe I can but that would be no fun)
13. Name 5 product things you cant live without.....
coffee (1-2 cups per day but not first thing in the morning)
14. I 'm in love with.....
with nothing at the moment. I love my husband, my child, my family and my friends but I am not in love with anything. I do miss that giddy, passionate, exciting feeling.
15.A cause that I care about is.....
CAB - Citizen's Advice Bureau - a charity organistion that helps give advice to people.
ADRA - an agency that helps with development and disaster relief.
Care for the Family
Stop Smoking Campaigns new years resolution is to....
Stick to a healthy eating plan..........
17.In my neighbourhood it is common to see many........
decorations in the windows through out the year.
18. On friday nights I enjoy.....
Quiet family time, listening to music, singing along with a music dvd and my daughter or watching a Christian movie like (Joseph, Jesus Christ Super Star or Fiddler on the Roof)
19.My computer desk has these items on it.....
Hand cream, pencil case, camera, knitting, flash drive, glass, hair brush, pen and car keys.
20.My bedroom window faces...
A factory
21.Today the weather is....
Wind: SW at 2 km/h
Humidity: 60%

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