Friday, March 21, 2008


Not a very flattering photograph of me. But we spoke so much over the weekend we did take pictures and now it was time to say goodbye and we have no idea when we will all be under the same roof again. The last time we were all together was three years ago at my dad's funeral.

So that is me with the Winnie Pooh blanket, then Janine, Debbie, Ashley and my Mom Elizabeth.
What a busy week. No time for blogging and surfing.

My mom has arrived here safely. We are off to Citrusdal for the Easter Weekend holiday. For the first time ever we booked a house (we normally go camping). Looking forward to a break and lots of reading.

1 comment:

Shosh said...

It's always nice when family get together. I haven't seen my sister in 5 years.