Saturday, August 04, 2007

The Yada Yada Prayer Group Book Review & Giveaway

I have entered.

"I was just chatting with Crystal, the owner of Two Moms in a Blog. She asked if I had read any good books lately. I said, “Sure I have, The Yada Yada Prayer Group. She replied, “No Way”. I was like, “What?” and she said, “I’m reading that right now!”

How funny! It just proves though this is an awesome book.

The Yada Yada Prayer Group members meet each other at a weekend women’s conference when they all have the same number on their packets. They come very different walks of life but they are thrown together to pray together that weekend. This forms friendships that continue even after they leave the conference.

It is a heartwarming tale of these women, their lives, their struggles and their new found friendships. I was inspired by their bond and by many of the character’s faith. This is one of the first fiction books to speak to me in such a way that God was using it to speak to my life. I especially liked how the characters used Scripture as they prayed. Something I have never done very often or very well. I felt convicted to learn to do so better in my own prayer times. I believe that God sent this book into my life at just the perfect time.

Since Crystal and I both LOVE this book we thought everyone else should have a chance to read it. Sooooo we’re giving one away! Yep! That’s right! Enter the contest by posting a comment to this blog post recommending a book that you’ve read recently and you’ll be entered into the contest! It’s that simple. The book will be given away on Monday, August 6th. So don’t miss out!"

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