Sunday, March 28, 2010

Muttering on a Sunday

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Bow out :: gracefully
  2. Relationships :: (i will be honest and I don't know why this came inot my mind but it did) suck (probably just how I am feeling about some people at the moment - this to shall pass)
  3. Facebook :: Friends, family and games
  4. Items :: List
  5. Ours :: What's yours is mine and visa versa
  6. Sting :: the singer, bee
  7. Hangover :: something i will probably never experience
  8. Contacts :: Networking
  9. Lonely :: Planet
  10. Seven days :: Jericho, Sabbath
See more or play along at:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Word Associations

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Burrito :: Mexican food yum
  2. Spike :: Rogers (don't ask it just popped in my head), boots, running
  3. Tougher :: than nails
  4. Mock :: fish (
  5. Slurp :: rude
  6. Knock :: knock who is there?
  7. Conference :: meetings, excuses, affairs
  8. Madness :: runs in the family
  9. Minds :: Criminal Minds, great minds think alike fools seldom differ.
  10. Connection :: link

Monday, March 15, 2010

Unconcious Mutterings

I say ... and you think ... ?
  1. Children :: of the field (wasn't that a movie?)
  2. Saddlebags :: westerns, horses, overweight
  3. Restraint :: prisoner, arrest, holding in, control
  4. Awake :: at Dawn
  5. Blood :: thirsty, vampires
  6. Shutter :: Blinds
  7. Posted :: Swaps
  8. Corn cob :: Nando's (South African Chicken franchise)
  9. Flagrant :: you should be ashamed of yourself
  10. Fart :: part of life

I Knitted

Tassel Belly Dance Belt

Sunday, March 07, 2010

I Say

I say ... and you think ... ?

  1. Detective :: Harry Bosch (Busy reading a series)
  2. Bangs :: ponytails, curls
  3. Consultant :: Lots of money
  4. Puzzle :: maker
  5. Learn :: to read, life long process
  6. Necklace :: Sad short story
  7. 184 :: address
  8. Stimulation :: in moderation
  9. Layered :: hair, clothes
  10. Police :: work
Hosted by Luna Nina:

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Guest View

These are views from our Guest room.
Photos taken with our new Canon 500D EOS.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Heads Or Tails
I love cups/mugs. I had to smuggle two mugs one for my daughter and one for me when moved to Northern Ireland because we had decided that we would sell or give away all our household goods. My husband didn't see the point of taking mugs when we were going to a house that was fully equipped with what we needed.

I had to weigh the pros and cons of adding weight to my bag for the trip and decided I could afford to take at least two mugs/cups. Thought it would be good for my daughter to have some connection so I took her birthday Princess cup. Choosing mine was a bit more difficult and had two cups that were gifts from learners etc. Finally decided on the mug I got in my swap - it was a Coffee Swap. Had my favorite color blue and good memories attached to it and I liked its design.

So far I have resisted the temptation to buy a lot (not enough space) but ove the last month or so a number of cups and mugs have gotten chipped or broken and I am looking forward to legitimately replacing them :).

My most priced cups are sitting at the moment in a box in Cape Town. They are British China cups that used to belong to my Grandma. At one stage a shop in South Africa was selling one cup and saucer for R150.00. There are not any brand names on them so their value is unlikely to increase. Just love to have an English tea party with them again (even though I prefer coffee - LOL).

Monday, March 01, 2010

Guess what A-thing is on picture? swap

"Only important, that this begin with letter A. Please do not use very specific things, because it must be fun, not hard puzzle."

The answer for this is not airplane!